Bridging Quality and Care

LED Spot Exam Light KS-Q3/KS-Q3D/KS-Q3B/KS-Q3S

Traditionaland the most popular medical spot examination lamp with the handle on the lamphead, integrated with the switcher.

Extended handle for facilitating position of light.

IR-free technology from LED light source reduces the sensation of heat for the patient and doctor.

LED service life 40 times longer than Halogen bulb.

Low energy consumption: 1/3 less than conventional Halogen system.

Tissue do not dry up as rapidly during the intervention under very low radiation from the light/

Ultra-high brightness from a nutshell with a on/off handle.

KS-Q3 provides “daylight” illumination for truer tissue colorrendition and easier diagnostis and treatment.

Articulated arm ensures the light is easy to move and positionanddoese not drift. NO dead-angle examination and long reach range is presented.

Ideal for GP practices, E.N.T.,Ophthalmology, Gynecology, smal theatre, minor operationsand other surgery use.

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